A black and white logo for contractor with a diamond in the middle.

Empowering Contractors to Build Businesses Worth Owning

Expert Coaching & Full-Service Digital Marketing for 7-8 Figure Specialty Contractors. Focus on Your Business; We’ll Elevate Your Role from Contractor to CEO with Proven Strategy and Execution


Results achieved


Revenue of clients partnered with Contractor CEO

6 Years

The amount of years it took the owner to build a $4,000,000+ business using this exact system


Satisfied Business Owners all across the United States

The Problem in the Market

The Challenges of Growing a Profitable Contracting Business

Most contractors fall into the same trap…

  • They look like everyone else.
  • They offer the same service as everyone else.
  • They get the phone to ring just enough to keep busy.
  • They get eaten alive by all the small contractors who basically give away their services for free and ruin the market.

This Leads To The Following Problems...

  • You’re not able to charge what you’re worth.
  • You have to work 50+ hours a week to maintain your current business model, leaving no time for growth.
  • You’re not profitable enough to hire out a team.
  • You have no clear path to accomplishing what you started a business for in the first place… Time and financial freedom.

Most Contractors fit Into One of Three Buckets

You’re good at sales, poor at marketing

You may be a great business owner, leader, and salesmen, but don’t get enough opportunities to sell which can stagnate your business and cause you to discount work to keep busy on occasion.

You’re good at marketing, poor numbers

You may be great at attracting tons of leads but they may not be the right leads. And lack of financial structure can have you winning a lot of work, but not seeing the profit you'd like to.

You are good at the financials , poor at marketing

You may crush it at closing deals when people call you. You mainly get most of your work from word of mouth and the jobs you win do well. However, your marketing campaigns provide little to no results, so you're stuck waiting for things to try and grow naturally, but you want to grow faster.

The reality? You need to be effective at all 3 to run a successful, profitable and scalable contracting business.


Overcome the Challenges of Growing a Profitable Contracting Business

A dollar sign in a circle with an arrow pointing up.

Increase profitability 

Make great money, not just good money. Stop running the rat race and taking all of the leads that come through the door, despite profitability. Understand how to price your projects effectively so you can increase margins and get time back.

A black and white icon of a hand holding a group of people.

Attract High Value Clients

All leads are not created equal. We help you attract the highest paying clients so you can charge what you have to to make a profit.

A man wearing a hard hat and tie is holding a briefcase.

Become a True Business Owner

Stop being an employee in your own business. We provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to scale your business and be profitable enough to build a team, so your business can run with you in the background.

A black and white icon of a dollar sign and a graph.

Financial Freedom & Peace of Mind

The right pricing, the right marketing, the right leads, the right team, freeing you from the constant worry of where your next leads are going to come from or how to effectively run a business while working within it. 

A black and white icon of a podium with a star and a ribbon.

Stand Out from the Competition

Understand how to become truly differentiated in the market, have customers wanting to work with you first, and sell the high end clients.

A black and white smiley face with its mouth open on a white background.

Get Back To Loving Your Business

Remember the feeling you had when starting your business and how excited you were? That feeling and happiness can come back, one you learn how to attract the right customers, charge the prices you need to, and can then hire out the tasks in your business that drain you.

How healthy is your contracting company?


200+ Satisfied Contracting Business Owners All Across the US

A row of black stars on a white background.

Man, you helped so much dog. I will forever be thankful. First fiscal year we've done north of 2M in sales. It's amazing, thank you!

Benedict I.

Owner, Concrete 360
A man in a striped shirt and pants is sitting on a couch.
A row of black stars on a white background.

Tyler's strategies turned our struggling  business around. We finally hit our revenue goals, and even better, our profit goals.

Matt A.

Owner, StonePro Concrete
A man with a beard and a plaid shirt is taking a selfie.
A row of black stars on a white background.

With Contractor CEO, our paving company saw a 30% increase in sales. Their financial tools were a game-changer. Highly recommend!

John B.

Owner, RockSolid Concrete
A man with a beard and glasses is looking at the camera.
A row of black stars on a white background.

Before Contractor CEO, we had issues with pricing and project management. Now, we're more profitable and organized than ever

Dave L.

Owner, Precision Concrete Works
A man wearing a hard hat and overalls is smiling with his arms crossed.


Blue Contracting | Owner
A row of black stars on a white background.


 Rapid Valley Concrete | Owner
A row of black stars on a white background.


Aspira Concrete Solutions | Owner
A row of black stars on a white background.


Tier One Concrete | Owner
A row of black stars on a white background.
A man with his arms crossed wearing a watch

The Contractor Turned CEO

I’m Tyler Link, a contractor turned CEO. I’ve built up a $4 million business that runs without me. I help others do the same through my proven system. 


A set of social media icons in black circles on a white background.

Hello, I'm Tyler Link, a fellow contractor just like many of you.

My journey started in the familiar grind of working way too long and hard for someone else, feeling underappreciated and undervalued. That frustration led me to a big decision: starting my own business. After learning how well some other contractors did for themselves I thought to myself, “ If they can do it, then why can’t I”?

In the beginning, my path was fueled by optimism and energy. However, it wasn't long before the reality of longer hours and harder work set in. Despite the effort, the financial rewards were not as I had hoped. This was my reality just two years ago.

But today, my story is different. I'm the proud founder of two thriving contracting companies: a concrete company with over $3 million in revenue, demanding only 20 hours of my week, and a landscape construction company generating $1 million, requiring merely 5 hours weekly. Both are not just operational but significantly profitable.

The transformation came from a life-altering strategy, one that I'm excited to share with you. This strategy isn't just theoretical; it's a practical, proven approach that any contractor can implement to revolutionize their business. If you're in a similar situation, struggling to turn hard work into real profit, this is the game-changer you've been waiting for. Let's embark on this journey together and transform your business into a success story.

Ready to build a Business That You Love?

Our packages are designed to help you overcome all of the hurdles to becoming the premiere contractor in your area. Attract the right leads, price effectively, scale profitability, and hire and retain the right talent.

Three Ways to Get There

Do It On Your Own

(Access to the tools, resources - Risk free, 100% money back guarantee. Cost will be applied to upgraded DWY and DFY packages)


(Tools, resources, and coaching)


Our team builds and implements the system for you.



With a solid foundation in business development, Tyler specializes in growing and scaling companies, and he has a remarkable track record of taking businesses from zero to over 4 million in annual revenues. Curious about his approach? Click the button below to learn more! 


Get Started Today

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